Pietro Fochi is a social entrepreneur, co-founder of the social hub EDUACTIVE, and currently serving as Youth Delegate of Italy to the United Nations.

While pursuing a master’s degree at the School of Law of the University of Bologna, he creates and executes national and international projects aiming to build a peaceful, inclusive and sustainable future.
His expertise goes beyond borders with EDUACTIVE that got internationally recognized as a social enterprise providing replicable educational model for strengthening the high school curricula through the SDGs (UNIDO & Fondazione CRT). This model enables young people to take the lead, empower themselves to become agents of change, citizens of the World, and to access the job market or further develop their academic path. The venture has also been presented at the UNHQ in the framework of the high-level meeting “Addressing inequalities through youth entrepreneurship” (Feb. 2019).

As a Youth Delegate of Italy, he joined in national capacity the 73rd UNGA focusing on social matters and the 57th UN Commission for Social Development. Nowadays, he advocates on the role of youth in the achievement of the Agenda 2030, and relationships between the new generations and all sectors of the society: institutions, private sector, academia and third sector, including philanthropy.

Earlier Fochi co-founded a university UN club that hosted the first academic simulation of the UN system ever hold in Bologna. He joined several international events working in different roles. Among those, he has been panelist at EUIPO annual meeting where he called for the recognition of intellectual property for works by youth. Besides, his research interests are the enforcement of international law, the social impact of international soft law tools, and the rounded culture of sustainability.
He works tenaciously toward his goal of bridging the gap between young people and the rest of the society, at all levels.
