Valentina Tafuni is a member of the International Committee of UDU – Universitary Students’ Union, that is part of the European Students’ Union.
Valentina is preparing for a master degree in International Studies at “L’Orientale” University in Naples, where she is also member of the local union’s Executive Committee. Before completing a bachelor degree in Humanities at “Aldo Moro” University in Bari, she experienced her interest in political science and international relations during a traineeship at the European Parliament. In Brussels she worked on extremisms, nationalisms, counter-terrorism and xenophobia. In 2016, once back in Italy, she was selected as Youth Ambassador for the international organization “The ONE Campaign”. In this role, for three years, she advocated into European and national institutions against extreme poverty, preventable diseases and for the access to education of 130 millions of girls and women in the world, above all in developing countries. In 2018 she was selected by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Conference of Italian University Rectors for a stage at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN. In New York she dealt with the UN Third Committee on Human Rights. In particular, she focused on the rights of persons with disabilities, implementation of SDGs, humanitarian and refugee law.