We remind you that


By entering the event premises, delegates give their permission to be photographed or recorded by official photographers, videographers and attending media of the Bologna Process Anniversary (Bologna process beyond 2020: fundamental values of the EHEA). Delegates consent to their images and video being reproduced by the owner and the event’s co-organizers and partners for subsequent use in the media, webcasts, internal and external promotional purposes, advertising and inclusion on websites and social media. Images are shared publically with open access for use.

Privacy policy

Welcome to our website bolognaprocess2019.it (the Site).

Cimea, with legal office in Viale XXI aprile. 36, c.a.p. 00162, Roma (e-mail info@cimea.it PEC: cimea@pcert.it, telephone +39 06.86321281) (hereinafter, also the “Data Controller”), as the data controller of the personal data of users (hereafter, the “Users”) who browse and use the services available on the bolognaprocess2019.it website (hereafter, the “Site” and the “Services”) provides below the privacy policy pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter, “Regulations”, or also the “Applicable Regulations”).

This Site and the Services are reserved for individuals who have eighteen years of age. The Data Controller therefore does not collect personal data relating to persons under the age of 18. Upon request by Users, the Data Controller will promptly delete all personal data involuntarily collected and related to persons under 18 years of age.

The Owner takes the utmost account of the right to privacy and protection of personal data of its Users. For any information related to this privacy statement, Users may contact the Data Controller at any time, using the following methods:

For Cimea (“RPD” or “DPO”):

• By sending a registered letter to / from the legal office in Viale XXI Aprile n. 36, c.a.p. 00162, Roma, Italy
• By sending an e-mail to the address rpd@cimea.it



All Data subjects are entitled to the protection of their Personal Data. Bolognaprocess2019.it respects the rights of its users to be informed on the collection and subsequent processing operations concerning their Personal Data. We always try to respect a strictly necessary principle when processing data that can identify you, even indirectly. For this reason, we have configured the Site so that the use of personal data is kept to the minimum necessary and exclude the processing of personal data when the purpose of the specific activity can be achieved using anonymous data or other means, identifying the person only when needed or at the request of the authorities and police forces. This Privacy Policy will provide all useful information to understand how we collect and use the information that identifies users on the Site. For further information on our Privacy Policy please send an e-mail to info@bolognaprocess2019.it or to Cimea at the addresses shown above.



Cimea is the Data Controller of the Personal Data of bolognaprocess2019.it users, with the purpose of managing, finalising and implementing sales transactions concerning the purchase of products via the same Site (“Purpose”), Cimea decides the purposes and methods used to process such data and the instruments to be used, including all security related aspects.

In particular, to achieve our Purposes, we collect Personal Data (e.g. name and surname, e-mail address) via the registration and abstract submission form available on the Site.

Personal Data are mainly processed in electronic format and in certain cases also in paper format, such as for instance, when the processing of personal data is necessary to prevent fraud on the Site.

Personal Data shall be retained in the form that allows you to be identified for the time strictly necessary for the purpose for which the data were collected and subsequently processed and, in any case within the limits foreseen by the laws in force. To ensure that Personal Data is always accurate and updated, pertinent and complete, you are asked to kindly notify us of any changes to the same sending us an e-mail to: info@bolognaprocess2019.it.

Further to what already provided above, Personal data shall not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not permitted by law or without your express consent.

Personal data is made available to third parties, for additional purposes related to the provision of services required by the user (for example, for purchase related transactions). For further details on this aspect, please consult paragraph 4 (Whom we disclose Personal Data to).

Your personal data can be disclosed to Police forces or Judicial authorities, for instance pursuant to Site anti-fraud services, in accordance with the laws in force and whenever requested. Your Personal Data will also be accessible to Chief Data Processors as indicated in paragraph 2 and for the specific purposes listed therein. Personal data will not be transferred abroad to Countries other than those belonging to the European Union, which do not guarantee a sufficient level of privacy protection. If the above should be necessary to achieve our Purposes, we will ensure that the transfer of Personal Data to Countries which do not belong to the European Union and do not guarantee adequate levels of protection, will only be implemented after such parties and Cimea have all signed specific contracts containing clauses for the protection of Personal Data, in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

The purposes for which your Personal Data are processed shall be specifically disclosed each time in the Information Note text provided on the page where the same are requested.

There may be cases where Cimea processes third-party personal data communicated directly by bolognaprocess2019.it users, e.g. when the user intends to tell a friend about a service of the Site, or when the user registering to the event is different to the subject that will come.

In such cases, you are required to be sure to obtain the consent of the person in question before conferring their data to Cimea, and to inform about this Privacy Policy because you will, in fact, be the only person responsible for the conferral of third party information and data without specific request or consent of the same, further to any misuse or illegal use of the same. In any case, Cimea, to the extent required by law, shall fulfil its disclosure obligations to the indicated user and, where necessary, request relative consent, upon registration of the relevant data in its Personal Data archives.



Conferral of Personal Data to Cimea and, in particular, personal data, your email address, is required in order to fulfil our Purposes.

Some of the aforementioned data may be indispensable so as to fulfil the obligations imposed by the law or other regulations, or to provide other services you may have requested as provided on the Site.

Refusal to disclose certain essential Personal Data, identified on the Site by a “requested”,  may make it impossible to complete all requests, and/or fulfil all obligations required by the laws and regulations in force. Failure to disclose certain Data can therefore, according to individual circumstances, constitute a legitimate and justified reason preventing the execution of the supply of services on the Site.

On the other hand, conferral to Cimea of additional Personal Data, other than those which are compulsory, is optional and has no impact.



Personal Data may be disclosed and made available to third party companies that provide specific services to Cimea, as Chief Data Processors or disclosed to other recipients of the data collected by Cimea, who process data independently for the sole purpose of executing the requests on the Site and only when such a purpose is not inconsistent with the purposes for which your Personal Data was collected and subsequently processed and, in any case, in full compliance with the laws in force.

No Personal Data shall be disclosed, assigned or otherwise transferred to third parties without informing users and obtaining their consent in advance, when required by law.



Cimea collects Personal Data and other information when sending contact forms on the Site so as to answer you questions. These data are processed by Cimea within the limits and purposes of the requests.



We have taken all suitable security measures to minimise the risk of destruction or loss, even accidental, of such Data, further to unauthorised access or processing that is not authorised or does not comply with the scope and purpose of collection indicated in our Privacy Policy.

However, as it is impossible to guarantee that such measures for the security of the Site and the transmission of data and information on the same Site limit or exclude any risk of unauthorised access or dissemination of data, we recommend you check that you have an updated antivirus protection system installed on your computer, which protect incoming and outgoing data, and that your Internet provider uses firewalls and anti-spamming filters where suitable for the security of data transmission on the web.



You are always entitled to receive confirmation as to whether or not Personal Data concerning you exists, regardless of their being already recorded, and communication of such data in an intelligible form.

You are also entitled to receive information concerning the origin of the Personal Data; the purpose and processing methods; the logic used in the case where the data is processed using electronic equipment; the personal data of the Data Controllers, information on the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be disclosed or who may become aware of such data in their capacity, for instance, as Chief Processors or Designated Officers. Part of this information is contained in our Privacy Policy; if you wish to receive further details, please send an e-mail to info@bolognaprocess2019.it.

You are always entitled to obtain from Cimea:

• updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data;

• erasure, anonymisation or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed;

• certification to the effect that the operations indicated above have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared to the right that is to be protected.

You are also entitled to oppose, totally or partially:

• for legitimate reasons, the processing of your personal data, despite them being relevant to the purpose of the collection;

• to the processing of Personal Data concerning you, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys.

• You are entitled to exercise your rights at any moment in time, within the terms and conditions of the law, sending such requests by e-mail to Cimea at info@bolognaprocess2019.it or rpd@cimea.it; we will respond to your mail as soon as possible.



Cimea does not control or monitor the operations of such websites or their content. Cimea shall not be held liable for the web content of such sites or the rules adopted by the same regarding your privacy and the processing of your Personal Data whilst browsing their website. Please therefore pay attention when you access these websites via the links on our website and remember to read their terms and conditions of use and privacy policy carefully. The Privacy Policy adopted by Site does not apply to third party websites and Cimea is under no circumstances liable for the privacy policy applied by those websites.

The Site provides links to these websites exclusively to assist users in their search and browsing activities and to facilitate links to other websites on the Internet. Posting of such links does not infer that Cimea recommends the use or browsing of these websites, nor any guarantee of their content, services or merchandise supplied and sold to Internet users.



If you wish to receive further information on how Cimea processes Personal Data, please send an e-mail to the following email address: info@bolognaprocess2019.it or rpd@cimea.it. To receive further information and be updated on the rights and the regulations concerning the protection of persons in relation to the processing of Personal Data, please visit the website of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data at www.garanteprivacy.it



This Privacy Policy is governed by Italian law and in particular by the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR (art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016) which governs the processing of personal data – including those retained overseas – carried out by anyone who is resident or located in Italy and Europe or using instruments located in Italy and Europe.

The Code ensures that Personal Data are processed by respecting data subjects’ rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity, particularly with regard to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to Personal Data protection.



Cimea may amend or simply update all or part of the Site Privacy Policy also when amendments are made to laws or regulations that govern protection of personal data and your rights. Changes and updates to the Site Privacy Policy will be notified to users on the Homepage of the Site as soon as the same are adopted and shall be binding once posted on the website in this section. We therefore recommend you access this section regularly in order to check the most recent and updated version of the Site Privacy Policy.



By entering the event premises, delegates give their permission to be photographed or recorded by official photographers, videographers and attending media of the Bologna Process Anniversary (Bologna process beyond 2020: fundamental values of the EHEA). Delegates consent to their images and video being reproduced by the owner and the event’s co-organizers and partners for subsequent use in the media, webcasts, internal and external promotional purposes, advertising and inclusion on websites and social media. Images are shared publically with open access for use.

Cookie policy

Use of Cookies on the website

Pursuant to the provision issued by the Italian data protection authority (herein after “Italian data protection authority”) on 8th May 2014, concerning the “Identification of simplified procedures for the policy statement and acquisition of consent to the use of cookies’’ (herein after “Cookie policy’’), Cimea with legal office in Viale XXI aprile. 36, c.a.p. 00162, Roma, Italy, intend to inform the user as follows.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small units of text strings stored in your computer when you visit certain pages on the internet.

Cookies must be enabled in order to be able to send contact form on bolognaprocess2019.it. If you choose not to accept the cookies, you can still browse the Site and use it for reference purposes. Cookies are enabled by default by most browsers, we have nevertheless included a section after this paragraph with instructions on how to modify the settings of your cookies.

Please note that cookies will not damage your computer. We do not retain any personal data that can identify the user in the cookies we generate, but we use encrypted data collected by same to improve and ensure top quality browsing of our Site. For example, they can be useful for identifying and resolving errors, or for identifying relevant correlated products to be proposed to the user during navigation.

We provide this information as part of our policy aimed at fully complying with all recent legislation requirements on the subject, and to guarantee our integrity and transparency concerning your privacy when you use our website. We are working to improve the aspects of cookies and privacy on this website.

You can find more details on cookies at the following websites:



Cookies can perform various functions, such as allowing you to navigate between different pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and in general to improve the user’s experience on websites.

bolognaprocess2019.it reserves the right to use cookies, with the consent of users where the law or applicable regulations foresee the same, to render site navigation easier and customise the information that will appear. bolognaprocess2019.it also reserves the right to use similar systems to collect information about Site users, such as for instance, IP address, type of web browser and operating system used and / or web pages visited by a user, for statistical or security purposes only. bolognaprocess2019.it is entitled to collect this information to track site usage and improve certain aspects.

The sections below give a brief review on how bolognaprocess2019.it uses cookies and similar instruments.


Navigation cookies

These cookies are essential for you to move around the Site and to use its features, such as for instance access to restricted areas of the website. Without these cookies we can not provide the services you request, such as the shopping kart or e-billing.

Strictly necessary cookies are used to store a unique identifier in order to manage and identify users from all the other users visiting the Site at that same moment, and to provide the user with a consistent and accurate service.

Some examples include:

Memorising previous actions (for example, entered text) when navigating back to a page in the same session;

Management and passage of security tokens for different services within a website to identify the status of the visitor (e.g. registered or unregistered);

Maintenance of tokens to use restricted areas of the website;

Routing of customers towards specific service versions / applications, as may be necessary during a technical migration process.


Performance cookies

These cookies can be bolognaprocess2019.it or partner, session or persistent cookies, their use is limited to the performance and improvement of the website features. These cookies collect information on how a visitor uses the Site, such as the pages visited. These cookies do not collect information that can identify you. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated in an anonymous form and are only used to improve the functionality of the Site.

Some examples include:

Web Analytics, the collected data are solely limited to the use of the website by an operator, to manage the performance and structure of the Site.  These cookies may be third-party cookies, but the information will be used solely by those assigned to publishing of the visited website;

• Affiliate tracking by bolognaprocess2019.it partners – the cookies are introduced by the Partners and used by the latter exclusively to check whether the user coming from another website purchased a product or service on the bolognaprocess2019.it.

• Error Handling – Measurement of errors that occur on a website, this function will usually support the improvement of services or claim management and will generally be strictly linked to web analytics;

Testing of different website page structures – Tests on variations in the structure, normally using A/B or multivariate tests, to ensure that the site maintains a consist aspect for users during current and subsequent sessions.


Functional cookies

These cookies can be bolognaprocess2019.it or partner, session or persistent. These cookies are usually the result of a user action, but they can also be implemented when providing a service not specifically requested but simply offered to users. They can also be used to prevent a previously offered and rejected service from being proposed to the same user. Furthermore, these cookies allow the Sites to remember user choices (such as user name, language, country of origin, etc …).  All information gathered by these cookies is anonymous and can not track user behaviour on other websites.

Some examples include:

remember the settings that a user has applied to a website such as layout, font size, preferences, colours, etc.;

remember a choice so that users are no longer requested to fill out a questionnaire.

detect if a service has already been offered, such as for instance, offering a tutorial during subsequent visits to the website;

provide information to allow access to an optional service such as the offer of a live chat session.

fulfil a user request such as submitting a comment.


Third party cookies for marketing/profiling

These cookies are used by bolognaprocess2019.it partners, in order to present bolognaprocess2019.it advertising banners when you are visiting other websites. As you navigate the website, these cookies are also used to propose products that could be of interest to you, or similar to those you have looked at in the past, based on your browser history. Use of these cookies allows connection to your PC or other devices and trace saved data: these cookies connect to the browser installed on your computer or other device used to navigate our website.


How can I disable cookies?

If you wish to disable one or more cookies used by this website, please express your choices through the consent forms contained in this policy, and also through third party consent forms that can be found by clicking on the links featured in this informative document.

We also inform you that most browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can also choose not to accept them through your browser settings. It is recommended not to disable this function, since this may prevent you from moving freely from page to page and enjoy all the features of the Site.

If you do not want your computer to receive and store cookies, you can modify the security settings of your browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, etc..). In any case, please note that certain sections of our Site can only be used to their full capacity if your browser accepts cookies; otherwise, for example, you will not be able to add products to your kart and purchase them. Accordingly, your decision to remove and not accept cookies may have a negative effect when browsing our Site

If you wish to change the use of cookies, using the browser settings, here are some brief instructions on how to do this in the four most popular browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Click the ‘Tools’ icon in the upper right corner and select ‘Internet Options’. In the pop-up window select ‘Privacy’. Here you can adjust the settings of your cookies.

Google Chrome

Click the ‘wrench’ icon in the upper right corner and select ‘Settings’. Now select “Under the hood” and change the settings in the ‘Privacy’ section.

Mozilla Firefox

From the pull-down menu in the upper left corner, select ‘Options’. In the pop-up window select ‘Privacy’. Here you can adjust the settings of your cookies.


From the pull-down menu in the upper right corner, select ‘Preferences’. Select ‘Security’ and from here you can adjust the settings of your cookies.

To find out more about cookies and how to manage or disable third party or  marketing/retargeting cookies, visit www.youronlinechoices.com.

To disable analytical cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting your navigation data, download the browser add-on to disable Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.


Your rights

The identification details of the Data controllers of the user’s information can be found at the beginning of this policy.

The updated list of Data processors specifically appointed is stored at the premises of the Data Controllers. If you wish to view it, you can request the complete list at the following email address info@bolognaprocess2019.it

At any time and without formalities, the user is entitled to exercise the rights set forth by art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 –“Code regarding the protection of personal data” (herein after “Privacy Code”), by sending an email at info@bolognaprocess2019.it

For further details, the text of art. 7 of the Privacy Code is found below:

Art. 7 – Right of access to personal data and other rights

1. The concerned person has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him/her, including data not registered yet, and to receive such data in intelligible form.

2. The concerned person has the right to be advised of the following:

a) origin of personal data;

b) processing purposes and procedures;

c) the logic applied in case of processing carried out with electronic devices;

d) the identification details of the Data controller, data processors and of the representative appointed pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 2;

e) subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or whom might have access to the data in quality of Representative in Italy, data processors or persons in charge.

3. The concerned person has the right to obtain:

a) data updating, correction and integration, when necessary;

b) the deletion, transformation in anonymous form or blocking of any data processed in breach of the law, including data not requiring storage for the purposes for which it was originally collected and subsequently processed;

c) the certification that the operations described in letters a) and b) have been reported to those subjects to whom the data has been communicated or disclosed, except in those instances when it would be impossible or would entail a clearly disproportionate use of means compared to the protected right.

4. The concerned person has the right to oppose, in whole or in part:

a) to the processing of personal data, for legitimate reasons, even if pertinent to the data collection purpose;

b) to the processing of personal data for purposes of advertising/sales or for market research or advertising campaigns.